This week’s postpartum meal planning recipe comes from Delish and is loaded with healthy fats and fiber, perfect for pregnant and postpartum bodies. You probably already know that fiber is generally good for people by helping to keep waste moving during and after digestion. Fiber is even more important for pregnant and postpartum women.

According to the American Pregnancy Association, roughly 50% of all pregnant people experience constipation at some point during pregnancy.

Additionally, one of the most common whispered concerns we hear in the early postpartum days from clients is their fear of going number two after having a baby. Maybe you’ve birthed a baby from that same toilet-familiar region. Perhaps you haven’t not had much (if any) food in a couple days and, thus, doesn’t have much in your intestines. It’s possible you’ve undergone major abdominal surgery. What’s more, your experience could be a combination of those things. You can imagine how anxiety-producing using a toilet can be. Add stress and minimal physical exertion and what you’ve got is a whole new thing to worry about. (Trust us, we get it!)

So what can you do to fight constipation?

Hydrate and add fiber to your meals!

This may sound like a no-brainer, but you may really need to make a concerted effort to boost your water intake and consume meals high in fiber to help keep things moving. In addition to a happier tummy, your bathroom experiences ought to be a lot less scary.

So whether you’re spending your President’s Day in Alexandria attending George Washington’s birthday parade, indulging in Restaurant Week (which runs through this Sunday, February 26th) or sitting at home in last night’s pajamas, don’t opt for the go-to dinner of take-out, delivery or drive-through. Instead, whip up this easy, constipation-fighting recipe that’s quick and delicious. We have no doubt you’ll be glad you did.

Fight constipation and boost healthy fats with this pineapple salsa over salmon meal.